What We Do Services We Offer

Building any good project means building one that can adapt through changes. That is why we have designed our services to not only meet your needs throughout its whole life cycle, but also to stand the demands of time.

Control Automation

Arming you with the most promising risk management technology today

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Software Development

Tailored innovative software solutions to ensure project competitiveness

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PLC Programming

Ensuring efficiency for your entire production line and more

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SCADA Service

Equipping you with real-time, top-notch data processing solutions

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Introducing WINLAD Electrical Controls LLC

No matter the size of your project, getting it right the first time is crucial. You can cut costs, build confidence not only in your team, but also in your partners, and ensure that you can meet industry demands head-on and be ready for innovation as it happens. Thus, from integrated specification, design, development, deployment, project management, and long-term support, you can count on us for timely, precise, appropriate, and thorough solutions.

Commitment Mission Statement

WINLAD Electrical Controls, LLC is on a mission to become the top-of-the-mind consulting services provider in the industry through our consistent provision of vendor-neutral, comprehensive, and innovative technological solutions that make a difference.

About Us

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